Common Appeal Mistakes According to SSDI Attorneys

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July 7, 2021

Common Appeal Mistakes According to SSDI Attorneys

Shot of worried young woman looking at bills and thinking about her problems while sitting on the sofa at home.

Appealing a Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) denial can be a complex and frustrating process. As SSDI attorneys, we’ve seen firsthand how these mistakes can impact a claimant’s chances of success.

However, understanding common pitfalls can increase your chances of a successful outcome. Let’s examine some common mistakes and what to do instead.

Mistake 1: Delaying the Appeal Process

One of the most common mistakes people make is delaying the appeal process. There are strict deadlines for filing an appeal. Missing these deadlines can result in a permanent denial of your claim.

It’s essential to file your appeal promptly after receiving the denial letter.

Mistake 2: Not Providing Sufficient Evidence

Another common mistake is failing to provide enough evidence to support your claim. The Social Security Administration (SSA) requires substantial evidence to prove that you are unable to work.

This evidence may include:

  • Medical records
  • Test results
  • Statements from treating physicians

Make sure to gather all relevant documentation and submit it with your appeal.

Mistake 3: Neglecting to Seek Professional Help

Many individuals attempt to appeal a denial on their own. However, this can be challenging and time-consuming.

SSDI attorneys can help:

  • Gather the necessary evidence
  • Keep a record of ongoing pain or disability issues
  • Navigate the complex appeals process
  • Represent your interests at hearings

Hiring an experienced SSDI attorney can significantly improve your chances of success.

Mistake 4: Ignoring the Appeals Process

If your initial appeal is denied, it’s important to understand that you have additional options.

There are several levels of appeal, including a hearing before an administrative law judge (ALJ). Then, the Appeals Council acts as the final decider.

Failing to pursue these additional appeals can result in a permanent denial of your claim.

Mistake 5: Providing Inconsistent Information

It’s crucial to provide consistent information throughout the appeals process. Any inconsistencies in your statements or medical records can weaken your claim.

Make sure that all information you provide is accurate and aligns with your medical condition. If you’ve hired a SSDI attorney, they can help you stay organized and consistent.

Mistake 6: Failing to Address the SSA’s Concerns

When appealing your denial, it’s important to address the specific reasons cited by the SSA.

If the SSA believes that you can still work, you need to provide evidence to the contrary. Make sure to clearly explain why you are unable to maintain gainful employment.

Mistake 7: Underestimating the Importance of a Hearing

A hearing before an ALJ is a crucial step in the appeals process. This is your opportunity to present your case in person and answer questions from the ALJ.

It’s essential to prepare for your hearing. You should gather all necessary documentation and practice your testimony.

Some Things to Remember

Appealing an SSD denial can be daunting. However, by avoiding these mistakes, you can increase your chances of a successful outcome.

Remember to:

  • File your appeal promptly
  • Provide sufficient evidence
  • Seek professional help from a qualified SSDI attorney
  • Follow the appeals process

Additional Tips for the Appeals Process

  • Hire Locally: By choosing a local attorney, you improve your chances of a successful appeal by meeting face-to-face, resulting in clearer communication.
  • Stay organized: Keep track of all documents related to your claim. This includes medical records, correspondence with the SSA, and appeal forms.
  • Keep a record: Some days, you may feel better or worse than others. It’s important to record how, when, and how often your disability affects your daily life.
  • Be patient: The appeals process can be lengthy, so it’s important to be patient and persistent.
  • Communicate effectively: Maintain open communication with your SSDI attorney and the SSA to ensure your case progresses smoothly.

With the right approach, you can navigate the complexities of the SSD system and obtain the benefits you deserve.

Goodwyn Law Firm’s knowledgeable SSDI attorneys walk clients like you through the appeals process. In addition to our proven track record, our clients appreciate our attention to detail, professionalism, and compassion.

Need more help? Call (803) 251-4517 for a no-obligation, no-cost SSDI appeal consultation with Goodwyn Law Firm, LLC.

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